Sunday, October 17, 2010

Time Away

Sorry it has been a while since I've had much to say. Things have been pretty busy in my life lately between school and ex-wives. I promise I'll try and get something posted more often.

Only real news this week is the wife and I starting a new round of making a baby time. So everyone keep your fingers crossed for us! She's a pretty special lady to put up with all of the things that she does. Had a great date night tonight with her. Went to a little carnival here in town and rode some rides. It was like being a kid again. Sometimes I think people don't take a step away from it all enough and just enjoy themselves. People need to stop taking themselves so serious all the time. They need to just step back from all of the things that are happening in their lives and enjoy themselves. Most of the time the constant worry and stress about things is completely futile. If sitting and worrying and stressing about something is not going to change it, try having a little fun. The problem will still be there when your done and it is time better invested. Man...I just don't seem to have much to say tonight. I'll try and give a little more to read next time...


  1. Hey now... how many ex-wives you got buddy?!? Ha.

    I had a blast with you tonight. I love you handsome husband!! I'll never know how I got so lucky to have such a great husband... :*

  2. Come on you didnt mention anything about the Gators. But you are a better man than me, cause I know when my teams lose, I dont want to do anything except have the kids kick me in the nuts. Date nights are fun, not that we ever have those???? And the baby making stuff, I will keep the fingers crossed for you and I will practice too. The vibe is sure to help. I meant the vibe of homies helping, not vibrator
